
رسالة الحركة المدنية إلى محكمة العدل الدولية

قدمت الحركة المدنية السورية رسالة إلى محكمة العدل الدولية  في لاهاي بالتزامن مع عقد أولى جلساتها لمحاكمة النظام السوري على خلفية دعوى رفعتها كندا وهولندا حول ارتكابه عمليات تعذيب، واستخدام أسلحة كيميائية. بعزيمتنا وإرادتنا الحرة سنحقق العدالة لشعبنا، فلا سلام بغير عدالة ولا سلام مع المجرمين.
Date: 10 October 2023
To the honorable judges of the International Court of Justice, Since the outbreak of the Arab Spring in Syria March 2011, the Syrian people have been exposed to the worst types of oppression from the ruling regime. The displaced Syrians have also been exposed to racism and hatred that have gone beyond the limits of verbal abuse to reach physical abuse and murder in Turkey and Lebanon, as a result of continuous incitement by Turkish and Lebanese nationalist extremists, such as Lebanese political analyst Joseph Abu Fadel, who incited Lebanese Christians to take up arms against displaced Syrian Muslims in Lebanon on 29 September 2023, which prompted Lebanese Sunnis to stand with the Syrians and threaten to respond to any violence by violence. The Syrian Anti-Terrorism Agency also monitored repeated attempts by the Russian Federation to push the region to a civil war between its national components (Arabs, Kurds, Turks) by planning terrorist operations in Turkey and framing Syrian Arabs and Kurds. This actually happened with the theatrical bombing in front of the Capital Security Directorate in Ankara on 1st October 2023, after which the Turkish army bombed areas in northeastern Syria. Russia and the Syrian regime are also trying today, using the Turkish government, to initiate civil war between sects, especially Sunni Muslims and Alawite, by targeting the graduation ceremony of the Military Academy in Homs by drones, which naturally hosts the families of the graduating students, which has resulted in the death of civilians from the officers’ families on 5th October 2023. As a result, hate speech escalated among the families of the victims from the Alawite sect, as they have begun inciting the burning of the city of Idlib, including its inhabitants, and initiating committing the harshest levels of violence against the displaced Sunni Muslims in the liberated north of Syria. These attempts are not new, they have been happening since the beginning of the demonstrations against the ruling regime in Syria. The most prominent of these attempts was to support the Islamization of the Syrian revolution and to support terrorist organizations with weapons and recruits from Islamic extremists who were detained in Assad’s prisons before the demonstrations began. Although today we do not have the legal means to file a case before your court or the International Criminal Court, but as victims of crimes of a high degree of brutality (war crimes, crimes against humanity, racist and hate crimes), we are considered to have the right to seek international justice. Moreover, the liberated areas in northern Syria, which are today being subjected to brutal bombardment by internationally banned weapons, are a geographical territory that is not subject to the sovereignty of any state, such as the Syrian or Turkish state, but it is subject to de facto authorities including those classified as terrorist organizations. In addition, all crimes that are being committed against Syrians in the internal regions of Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria cannot be examined by the local judicial authorities because those in charge of them are not independent of political influence. Also, these crimes are committed by or with the blessing of the political authorities in these countries. Therefore, the impossibility of seeking local judiciary measures and the fact that these Syrians areas are not subject to any UN recognized state give the right to resort to international courts. These crimes must be stopped, and these authoritarian political regimes must be subjected to a judicial system that imposes the provisions of international law. Otherwise, other hotspots of conflict will erupt around the world, which will undermine international peace and security and may result in the outbreak of a third world war, and this is what the United Nations was established to prevent. This wave of violence will also result in the influx of displaced people to neighboring countries or to the Mediterranean, which will exhaust the peoples and authorities of the host countries. In honor of the victims of the past, especially the victims of the First and Second World Wars, and to preserve the safety of future generations, we ask your justice to do what is necessary to establish international justice and restore global peace and security. Syrian Civil Movement

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